AutoChain Coin是一個基於區塊鏈+萬物互聯、物聯網+大數據+AI爲核心的汽車數據服務平颱,是 新一代網絡通信技術與汽車、電子、交通運輸等領域深度融合的新興産業形態。而狹義的物聯網+區塊鏈概唸技術, 是指車輛利用無線通信技術實現“人 - 車 - 路 - 雲” 之間交換信息的通信方式。其中,蜂窩車聯網通信方案是目前車聯網通信的主流技術方案,具有 4G/LTE 版本和 5G 版本,該技術在多個國家得到廣泛應用。
什麼是AutoChain Coin區塊鏈
AutoChain Coin區塊鏈是由雙層多鏈組成的混合區塊鏈網路。 從網路組成上來看,主要分為雲計算層和邊緣計算層,層與層、鏈與鏈之間跨鏈協同。同時,單獨依賴區塊鏈技術無 法完全滿足AutoChain Coin中的數據共用和智能協作需求,區塊鏈需要與邊緣計算、隱私計算等鏈下異構網路協同,來實現AutoChain Coin場景下數據挖掘、數據安全和可信協作的有效聚合。

區塊鏈在AutoChain Coin中的應用價值

1. 為AutoChain Coin提供身份認證和訪問

AutoChain Coin設備的數字身份管理是AutoChain Coin安全的基礎。通過結合分佈式帳本、分佈式身份協議(Decentralized Identity,DID)和數字證書等技術,可為AutoChain Coin設備提供數字身份管理和認證服務, 滿足AutoChain Coin場景下的交互安全認證、資訊完整性保護和隱私保護等安全需求。

2. 提昇AutoChain Coin協同控製的安全性

AutoChain Coin能夠為車路之間提供即時的感知融合、資訊交互與決策協同,不僅拓展了單車智能的形勢覺察能力,也使得更多協作式的交通出行應用得以實現。

3. 增強AutoChain Coin資訊交互的隱私性

通過將分佈式帳本與隱私增強技術相結合, 可為AutoChain Coin提供全程閉環的數據安全和隱私保護服務,在數據共用的同時,有效保護企業和個人資訊免受洩露。

4. 培育移動出行領域數位化協作生態


Token名:ACC 総Token: 3億
Raymond Smith: CEO
Ray Smith,作爲項目的首席執行官,負責全麵的戰略規劃和項目管理。擁有超過20年的金融和區塊鏈技術領域經驗,Ray對市場趨勢具有深刻的見解。他的願景是將ACC打造成爲全球領先的AI區塊鏈物聯網平颱,通過精確的市場定位和有效的領導策略,確保項目始終走在行業前沿。
Math Otony: CTO
作爲首席技術官,Math Otony負責整體技術戰略、産品研髮和繫統優化。他在區塊鏈技術的深度開髮和繫統架構設計方麵擁有豐富經驗,並在多個成功的區塊鏈創業公司中實現了從零到一的突破。Math不斷推動技術創新,確保ACCI平颱在性能和安全性上符合最高標準。
Clark James: CMO
Clark James作爲ACC CMO,擁有商業管理和高等教育的深厚背景,曾在多個國家的頂尖學院和金融機構中擔任領導職務。
© 2024 AutoChainCoin. All rights reserved.
Project Introduction
AutoChain Coin is an automotive data service platform based on blockchain + Internet of Everything, Internet of Things + Big Data + AI as its core. It is an emerging industry form that deeply integrates the new generation of network communication technology with automobiles, electronics, transportation and other fields. The narrow concept of Internet of Things + Blockchain technology refers to the communication method in which vehicles use wireless communication technology to exchange information between "people-vehicles-road-cloud". Among them, the cellular Internet of Vehicles communication solution is currently the mainstream technical solution for Internet of Vehicles communications, with 4G/LTE versions and 5G versions. This technology is widely used in many countries.

What is AutoChain Coin blockchain?
The AutoChain Coin blockchain is a hybrid blockchain network composed of two layers of multi-chains. From the perspective of network composition, it is mainly divided into cloud computing layer and edge computing layer, with cross-chain collaboration between layers and chains. At the same time, relying on blockchain technology alone cannot fully meet the data sharing and intelligent collaboration needs in AutoChain Coin. Blockchain needs to cooperate with off-chain heterogeneous networks such as edge computing and privacy computing to realize data mining and intelligent collaboration in AutoChain Coin scenarios. Effective convergence of data security and trusted collaboration.

The application value of blockchain in AutoChain Coin
1. Provide identity authentication and access to AutoChain Coin
Digital identity management of AutoChain Coin devices is the foundation of AutoChain Coin security. By combining technologies such as distributed ledgers, distributed identity protocols (Decentralized Identity, DID) and digital certificates, digital identity management and authentication services can be provided for AutoChain Coin devices to meet the interactive security authentication and information integrity protection in AutoChain Coin scenarios. and privacy protection and other security requirements.

2. Improve the security of AutoChain Coin collaborative control
AutoChain Coin can provide instant perception fusion, information interaction and decision-making collaboration between vehicles and roads, which not only expands the situation awareness capabilities of bicycle intelligence, but also enables more collaborative transportation applications.

3. Enhance the privacy of AutoChain Coin information interaction
By combining distributed ledgers with privacy enhancement technology, AutoChain Coin can provide full-process closed-loop data security and privacy protection services, effectively protecting corporate and personal information from leakage while sharing data.

4. Cultivate a digital collaboration ecosystem in the field of mobility
The core value of blockchain is digital win-win cooperation. The automobile industry is a large and complex industrial chain, involving many fields such as transportation, information and communications, industrial manufacturing, and electric power and energy. No single enterprise can alone meet the challenges of the "intelligent network" era, and all parties need to work together to build digitalization. A new industrial form of collaboration.

Token name: ACC Total tokens: 300 million
The specific allocation of ACC is as follows:
Mining: 43%, produced by user data mining.
IDO: 20%, all produced by market IDO, no lock-up, all released before going online;
Technology: 12.5%, locked for 3 years, then 2% will be released every year until all is released;
Operation: 9.5%, reviewed by the foundation, distributed from time to time, the specific release ratio will be announced in the community.
Foundation: 15%, locked for 5 years, and then 1% released every quarter, mainly used for public relations and rewards for the platform contributing users and institutions;
Our core team
The successful advancement of our AutoChain Coin project is due to an outstanding team of senior experts in the fields of finance and technology. Not only do these team members have extensive expertise and experience in their respective fields, they also play a vital role in driving the project towards key milestones.
Raymond Smith: CEO
Ray Smith, as CEO of the project, is responsible for overall strategic planning and project management. With over 20 years of experience in the financial and blockchain technology fields, Ray has deep insights into market trends. His vision is to build ACC into the world's leading AI blockchain IoT platform, ensuring that the project is always at the forefront of the industry through precise market positioning and effective leadership strategies.
Math Otony: CTO
As chief technology officer, Math Otony is responsible for overall technology strategy, product development and system optimization. He has extensive experience in the in-depth development of blockchain technology and system architecture design, and has achieved breakthroughs from zero to one in multiple successful blockchain startups. Math continuously drives technological innovation to ensure that the ACCI platform meets the highest standards in performance and security.
Clark James: CMO
As ACC CMO, Clark James has a deep background in business management and higher education, and has held leadership positions in top colleges and financial institutions in many countries.
our partners
© 2024 AutoChainCoin. All rights reserved.